News Archive

  • NIR products at Pittcon 2015

    A look at the new NIR spectroscopy products introduced at Pittcon: they're small and perhaps indicate a new direction!

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  • Near infrared hyperspectral imaging detects peanut contamination

    Study the label of almost any food product and you’re likely to see the rather vague warning “May contain peanuts” somewhere on there, unless of course it’s a product that definitely does contain peanuts. As now revealed in a paper in the latest issue of JNIRS—Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, these warnings of peanut contamination could soon lose much of their uncertainty, thanks to NIR hyperspectral imaging.

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  • NIR and the Protection of Living Fossils

    The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the world's largest amphibian (1.8 m in length and up to 40 kg). Due to its popularity both as a culinary delicacy and an ingredient in traditional medicine, it has been over-exploited and is now listed as Critically Endangered in the wild.

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  • Free Spectroscopy Apps

    Are you reading Spectroscopy Europe or Spectroscopy Asia. These free magazines are available in a number of editions, including Apps for your phone or tablet.

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  • XRF Spectroscopy and Shipwrecks: scanning biochemical fingerprints

    Recovered wrecks of historical ships represent more than conservation and preservation challenges; in addition to their physical role as complex artefacts for research, interpretation and understanding, they exist as potent symbols of national pride and potential sources of tourist revenue.

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  • NIR assures the quality of your chocolate

    Researchers in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Università degli Studi di Milano, collaborating with Carle & Montinari-OPM, describe the development and evaluation of an in-line NIR system for monitoring the tempering process in chocolate manufacture.

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  • JNIRS Special Issue on NIR Spectroscopy of Soil

    You are invited to contribute to a Special Issue of JNIRS—Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy on NIR Spectroscopy of Soil, in celebration of the International Year of Soils.

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  • New image for “big data” tools

    Image from single mass peakBig data represents both an opportunity and a challenge for scientists. The huge amount of data that can be generated by the latest scientific instruments could lead to important scientific discoveries, but only if scientists can efficiently process that data. A recent European project called Computis, has come up with a range of new tools for efficiently processing mass spectrometry imaging data.

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  • Deadline near for 2015 Goetz Instrument Support Programme

    PANalytical Boulder is accepting submissions for the 2015 Alexander Goetz Instrument Support Program and the deadline for submissions is 15 October 2014.

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  • Award for Marena Manley

    Marena Manley is the recipient of the Medal of Honour awarded by The South African Academy of Science and Arts

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